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Ideal date*

* Highlighted dates are those that already have people booked in for this experience. Since we require at least 4 people (not including spectators) for this experience to go ahead, it is best to choose one of the highlighted dates as these already have other people booked in. If you choose a date and the minimum attendance requirement is not met closer to the time the day will not go ahead and we will contact you to arrange a different date

Bird of Prey Digital Photography Day


What will I do on my experience day?

On arrival you will be offered complimentary tea/coffee and introduced to your falconer for the day.

You will then spend the day photographing Birds of Prey, including Hawks, Owls, Falcons, Vultures and Eagles.

Capture brilliant shots of Birds of Prey in flight with the beautiful countryside of the Pennines for your backdrop. Will you be quick enough to photograph a stooping falcon?

Birds of Prey will fly right over you and your camera lens making for amazing images. 

The opportunity to take still images will arise throughout the day, with each bird placed on a natural looking perch. You'll be able to get close enough for some breath-taking macro shots too.

All the while you'll learn about Birds of Prey from around the World with experienced Falconers on hand all day to answer any questions.

Start time 10am until 3pm