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Ideal date*

* Highlighted dates are those that already have people booked in for this experience. Since we require at least 2 people (not including spectators) for this experience to go ahead, it is best to choose one of the highlighted dates as these already have other people booked in. If you choose a date and the minimum attendance requirement is not met closer to the time the day will not go ahead and we will contact you to arrange a different date

Half Day Falconry Experience


What will I do on my experience day?

On arrival you will be welcomed and offered complimentary tea/coffee.

One of our falconers will then take you on an in-depth tour of the centre. This includes meeting the birds, seeing behind the scenes, handling sessions and opportunities to take photographs. You will then spend the rest of the afternoon flying and handing as many Owls, Hawks, And Falcons as we can fit into the day.

Start time 11am finish 2pm