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Ideal date*

* Highlighted dates are those that already have people booked in for this experience. Since we require at least 4 people (not including spectators) for this experience to go ahead, it is best to choose one of the highlighted dates as these already have other people booked in. If you choose a date and the minimum attendance requirement is not met closer to the time the day will not go ahead and we will contact you to arrange a different date

Hunting Experience Day


What will I do on my experience day?

Your day starts with a tour and introduction to the birds. Over coffee you will receive instructions and meet the Hawk that will become yours for the day.

You and our fully trained and very successful team of Hawks, Pointers and Ferrets will set off in our Land Rover to the chosen hunting ground for the day.

This is a real hands-on, out in the field, intense day that you will never forget. Watch in amazement as your Hawk pursues its quarry just as nature intended. All quarry (Rabbits, Pheasants and Partridge) are used for the table or to feed the Hawks. Guests have the opportunity to take any spare rabbits home for their supper.

It is recommended that you WRAP UP WARM, remembering to bring a camera and a packed lunch.

Start time 10am until 4pm October to March only.