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Ideal date*

* Highlighted dates are those that already have people booked in for this experience. Since we require at least 2 people (not including spectators) for this experience to go ahead, it is best to choose one of the highlighted dates as these already have other people booked in. If you choose a date and the minimum attendance requirement is not met closer to the time the day will not go ahead and we will contact you to arrange a different date

National Park Bird Of Prey Experience


What will I do on my experience day?


On arrival you will be offered complimentary tea/coffee.



The National Park Experience is all about you getting up-close and hands-on, feeding and flying some of the worlds most iconic birds of prey that are native to the park.

You will explore the link between the landscape and diverse habitat found only in Northumberland’s National Park.

you will learn about the art of Falconry and why it is listed as a world living human heritage.

After a short break to sample the real taste of Northumberland-the Ham & Peas Pudding Stottie a stodgy bread that originated in the northeast made from scraps of leftover dough, cheap and easy to make in a coal-fired oven, a bread that bounces when dropped (stot) of the ground!

We will end your experience flying the world famous Peregrine Falcon,thrilling you with its speed and grace as it stoops inches above your head.

All set with the Cheviot hills and Pennine way as the backdrop to your day-making memories That will last a lifetime.

Start time 11am until 2pm